In late August I started what I call my miracle medicine: Humira. Yeah, it's an injection, which deters a good number of people from it. But having been poked a prodded by needles for so long I don't mind them anymore. What's a few seconds of pain, right? Plus, I need only take it once every two weeks.
Ready for the even better news? It treats TWO of my illnesses. I spoke with my doctor a few weeks ago, and she encouraged me to wean myself off of the nine pills I have needed to take daily for one of my illnesses. First I dropped down to six pills a day. Two weeks later (which is now) I'm down to four pills. Two weeks from now I'll be down to two pills. And two weeks later-get ready-I need take only ONE PILL a day. That's it! One pill a day.
I'm not gonna lie, these past (almost) 11 years have been exhausting. It was really awkward sneaking my pills at sleepovers and in the locker room before sports practice with a bunch of judgmental teenage girls giving fleeting glances to the girls undressing around them. One of my dear friends and I got into an argument when I was at my previous college and he finished it off my calling me a pill popper. That is by far the single worst thing anyone has ever called me. Because I really want to shove pills down my throat every day, right? I didn't even attempt to mend our friendship.
I have to say Humira is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. Not only is it becoming one of my only medications, but it's TREATING my illnesses. I'm aggravated that my insurance company didn't approve it years ago, which would have avoided the development of another chronic illness I developed from NSAIDS. Bravo, Blue Cross Blue Shield! You have won the award for sucking at your job the most!
Back to the good stuff. I have a thousand times more energy during the day. I used to be so tired that I couldn't get out of bed, and start crashing by 7:30 pm. Now I can get through a whole day. I can go walking around all day long, up the hills on my campus, in the city, in the cold, and not have stiff, aching joints. Before Humira I could walk for about fifteen minutes before something would start hurting. And hills? That was a joke. Humira started working after my third injection (insane!) and for the first time in 11 years I feel my age!
What's the point of this depressing yet uplifting story? Because it is a momentous occasion for me, a major checkpoint in my life, one that has made me happier than I knew was possible. Also, because Humira deserves major props.
Forever the honest,
Stephanie Lato
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